Friday, July 29, 2022

What I have done so far to feel good...

Hello Everybody,

I woke up and started to do the things I wanted to do. It is a weird feeling to explain. I feel so much happier for sure. Here are somethings I have done. 

  1. DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA APPS: No! I did not say delete the account. Delete the apps The apps I had were Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I deleted the apps from my phone. Why? I have another phone that still connects to Wi-Fi, basically my little tablet, and a laptop. If I do need to go on social media, then I'll go on there, but I put strict rules when I go on social media on the tablet or laptop. First for the tablets: Check messages and notifications. For me that's it. If you want to check stories or posts just realize it is easy to lose track of time and get addicted easily again. I don't usually go on social media on the laptop. When I do go on the laptop it is to go on my business page to post for marketing and answer messages. (Note this will not work for everybody. I understand some have business tied to their social media, family, etc.) The reason I did this first because I wanted to find out how much time I have been losing. It is a weird feeling at first. I would get sad but then I think, "What's the point of getting sad? Do the stuff you always had in the back of your mind."
  2. WORK OUT: Cliche, I know, but it truly does work. I have used this app called STRONG. This app has helped me with the muscles I want to see. Virtual trophies don't mean anything to me, but it feels good when the app tells you when you finish a workout how many PR's you shattered. I started my Google Tasks and added the different muscle groups I want to work out for that day. I have been in the gym more often. I do need to incorporate running more. Where I supplement running is by playing basketball. 
  3. LISTEN TO MUSIC: Sometimes I cannot control my thoughts. I'll get lost in a thought and run with it. It has ruined relationships, good things that would have been, and possibly burnt bridges. I realized that about myself when I am in my room wondering what to do. The fact of the matter is all you used to do is go on social media and watch YouTube videos all day. Now I listen to my thoughts rearrange them or turn it into something positive (What YOU deem to be positive). The overpowering thought though, that one that just nags on you. The one after the work out, maybe even the one before. Go on my music app, click. Music on and then I go back on the mission.

Those are some significant but small changes in my daily life to make the day smoother.  I feel so much better. and it's on to keep moving in the direction I want to be. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Good morning!

 Good morning!

Hope you all are having a good day. I don't know what to type on here. However, nope I got nothing. 

Somehow, I love playing sports. It's not even the competition its more how fun it just is. Like basketball for example. I like to think while playing the game. Yes, it gets heated and rough but its all-in good fun. I am 30 years old and still feel like a kid just having fun. 

What sucks is how competitive I can get. Its seek and destroy. It's funny when thinking of how if I am able to harness my actual potential. Possibilities are endless. What I have to fight and not let it get to my mind or thought process is thinking about the past. that is my detriment. Thinking about the past is what got my light not to shine. 

Thank you,


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Work Work Work

I have been in a slump. I have been down. I don't know what to do but feel sorry for myself. I do not have a car, and I live in the Craziest State called Florida. I watch videos on YouTube nonstop. I am also complaining like a little bitch!

I am eating, I have clean water, I sleep in a room with A/C, I am just lazy. Everything that happens is completely my fault. 

I know I am not going into specifics {NO SHIT SHERLOCK} I have no excuse but to say I am beginner at this. 

What changed? 

Well, I had a conversation with my roommate about it. He was telling me you need to work. Work, pickup shifts to save, buy a car, then invest. "Take your life and fuck it. Don't let it fuck you." - Roommate (I do not have a waiver signed from him yet, so I am working on it.) Hasta Manana!

Next, I had a conversation with my best friend in the same spot as my roommate. He asked are you not trying to work? are you ok? I told him no dude I am lost. I'm trying to find something for motivation, but I cannot. He states to me, "Watching video on YouTube is not the way. Working is. I was in the same thought process trying to find a solution. Work, Grinding for years and years." 

And so, I am Back at it again. 

Moral of the Story: Stop Bitching and Go to Work. 
